Monday, January 19, 2015

Marvel vs DC...the war continues

OK, so the good thing about a blog is that you can give your opinion and not be ridiculed for it. And being a geek in this century certainly has changed quite a bit and there are new rules when it comes to speaking geek...talking nerdy and just having a good time talking about the one that that we are all passionate about....comics and comic book movies and superheroes.

The long question remains who is better. Marvel or DC. Well really for any comic book fan, that's an unfair question. UNLESS you are a Marvel or DC fan. Being both makes it even more difficult. I grew up on DC characters. Superman, Batman, Robin, etc. etc....The only Marvel characters I knew of were Spiderman and the Hulk. But to tell me whether one was DC or Marvel, I had no clue. I just knew they were superheroes and that's all that mattered to me. Now with that said, I was never into the comics growing up. Yeah I read a few had a few in my possession at one time or another, but never really got into the collecting and being the "geek" I am today about it. I am kicking myself in the butt for NOT being into it very much, but I can't go back. All I can do is enjoy what is there today and savor every moment, gain all the knowledge I can, get every toy I can and just have fun with it. And that I am. VERY much so. Now as I said I am a late bloomer to the whole comicbook world and era. YES we are living in a comicbook era. Being a geek and a comicbook fan is probably the more popular thing to be today, cause its EVERYWHERE! We have toys, lego, movies, games, shops, online stores, clubs, groups, you name it, if it has anything to do with comics, they probably make it. BUT with all of that we still have our two giants Marvel Comics and DC Comics. Which is better? Well I am here with my simple opinion on which one I think reigns supreme and is the better of the two.

As I said I said I grew up liking DC characters. BUT today, I have to say that Marvel Comics is by far the better universe of the two. Now all of the DC fans seeing this just threw their hands up or slammed their computer closed and said NO WAY!
Fine you are entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to mine.

First let's take it from the movie aspect of it shall we. Now as I said I am a late bloomer and I came into the MCU lineup at the Avengers. I had to go back and do my homework. I watched Iron Man, The Hulk, Iron Man 2, Thor, Captain America: The First Avenger, and then I was ready for The Avengers. I even went to the all day marathon where they showed every movie in Phase 1 before the events of The Avengers. Never before was I so hooked and addicted to the films, I still today watch them over and over and over again. They are great movies.
I look back to the Christopher Reeve Superman movies. No disrespect to Reeve and his efforts, but the movies were just OK. I saw em once, and that was enough. Superman 3 NEVER should have happened. NOR should have Superman 4. They were good movies, but not great. There was several years in there where DC had no major thing going, until the Michael Keaton Batman movies. Now keep in mind there is NOTHING from Marvel going on here, yeah there were some attempts at movies, TV shows, but nothing really took off. The Tim Burton Batman movies were OK..but not great. Yes Jack NIcholson I thought was the best Joker ever, but again my opinion. They tried to keep the Batman franchise alive year after year, never heard anything from Superman after Reeve injuring himself. The Superman franchise pretty much dies until Superman Returns. Which I will admit I thought it was a really good movie. Let's jump to 2008. MARVEL on the scene with Iron Man. Breaks records at the box office and is a HUGE hit. DC still trying to find there way...rumors of a universe coming...Wonder Woman....Justice League...but nothing. The Incredible Hulk...Iron Man 2, Thor, Captain America...AWESOME MOVIES. The Batman franchise kind of going along The Dark Knight did strike a good point for DC. But, they are just now getting their bearings. Marvel has been killing the box office and DC is fighting to catch up. We have Batman Vs Superman coming out. Frankly, if it is as long and as dark as Man Of Steel was...I think it will bomb. Marvel has setup an entire universe and it works. The movies flow. They are entertaining. They make excellent casting choices. There are still folks up in arms, myself included about Ben Affleck as Batman. Really?

I leave it at that. No need to go on. The Marvel Cinematic Universe is by far the better of the two. yes there are LOTS of points not brought out, it would take me a week to type EVERY detail and every account and every point, but just keep in matter who you are. Its a great time to be a geek. Just enjoy it, savor it while you can. Who knows when the whole train will come to a ceasing halt. I hope not in my lifetime. Geek on!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Hey thanks for sharing! This is not really to take sides, but to share thoughts on both film companies and to get us chatting together! Thanks again!!
