Friday, January 23, 2015

Marvel's Cinematic just keeps getting better!

It began with Tony Stark in a cave....then to bring us to 5 misfits being loosed to run around space, to the soon forthcoming Avengers 2 that a Robot will wreck havoc on the world.
Iron Man...the movie that everyone was scared to make, but ended up being a huge success and the start of Marvel's road to win box offices all over the globe. The Incredible Hulk...Iron Man 2...Thor...Captain America: The First Avenger...The Avengers...Iron Man 3...Thor 2: The Dark World...Captain America: The Winter Soldier...Guardians of The Galaxy...and now we anxiously await Avengers 2: Age Of Ultron.
I have to say Phase 2 for me, was on the shaky side. Didn't quite feel as moving as Phase 1. I absolutely loved that the Phase1 movies flowed well into each other. Iron Man introduced us to Agent Phil Coulson and Pepper Potts and S.H.I.E.L.D...the end of Iron Man we saw Nick Fury, at the end of The Incredible Hulk we saw Tony well got to see Fury's name at the intro and that scene that was cut with Cap in the ice. Thor's hammer falling down. Then in Iron Man 2 we were introduced to Black Widow and Nick Fury joined the roster as well as Coulson being there, seeing easter eggs from the MCU intertwined. The end of Iron Man 2 we see Thor's hammer. In Thor we meet the Asgardians...Loki...etc etc etc...the end of Thor Dr. Selvig meets the Tesseracta along with Loki. Captain America; The First Avenger, we meet Peggy Carter, we get to see how Stark's father helped in making Captain America. Now there are a few questions I have with the timeline here after The First Avenger. Stark finds the Tesseract when he is looking for Cap. We don't see the tesseract again until present day The Avengers. Did SHIELD have the Tesseract locked up all this time? What did Howard Stark do with it, until we see it at the end of Thor? A bit shaky there still flowed. Every movie in Phase 1 connected the next movie to the next...which left the fandoms in utter excitement and pure anticipation.
The Avengers introduced us to the fact that a movie COULD be done with all the heroes in it. The genuis work of Joss Whedon and Marvel set the stage pretty high in The Avengers. Now here is where it starts to go off a bit. The beginning of the Avengers, Loki is given the scepter by Thanos.He is told if the Tesseract is kept from Thanos...he will pay. Well we all know the Tesseract goes back to Asgard, and Thanos does not get it. Loki's scepter is kept and tested on. END of that storyline or so it seems. NEXT MOVIE Iron Man 3: Extremis. Now I am an avid Marvel fan. I loved the Phase 2 movies. Awesome as always. HOWEVER...there was not that flowing and continuity like Phase 1. Iron Man 3...solo movie. Yeah it had some connection to The Avengers, but why did Tony not wonder about Coulson...WHY was he not able to call on fellow heroes. It was like they never existed. I know Kevin Feige talked about how they wanted to get the heroes on their own, and it was supposed to be a give in...they could not summon their fellow Avengers. I get that...but the connections of the first movie made that so intriguing and helped the whole universe. Thor 2: Really the only connecting factor was Loki did a bad thing and he was in trouble for New York. Yes we saw a cameo of sorts from Cap...but I don't count that. Take it back to Thanos...Loki is in more trouble than just from Odin...why did we not see something from Thanos angry about Loki not getting the Tesseract to him...?? The end of Thor 2, Loki "dies" or so we is believed that he has killed Odin and now sits on the Throne of Asgard. Leaves it WAY up in the air. Captain America 2 really starts to bring it all back sort of. It did connect better with the TV Show Agents Of SHIELD, which was cool, but had no connection really to the rest of Phase 2. THEN we shift gears and jump into space for Guardians Of The Galaxy. I guess this was an attempt just to bring them into the MCU. It was a great movie yes! But why now? If you will remember there was a scene supposedly with Tony Stark at the end of Iron Man 3...where he went into meet up with Guardians of the Galaxy. Well that never panned out and came true, thus not really connecting Guardians to the MCU yet. Time will tell. It was good to see Thanos, but no mention of Loki and the Tesseract. Hmmm. Well now we stand at the door of the much very anticipated Avengers 2: Age Of Ultron. This movie is going to be so intense...we get a slew of new characters as well as the ones we have come to love. Too many to list and go through, but there is one thing I am curious about. OK several things....Loki is in this movie. We will see him have to face Thanos? When will the Avengers find out Coulson is alive. Fury knows...Hill knows....Many questions will arise I'm sure...guess we will just have to wait and see when Avengers 2: Age Of Ultron opens in theaters on May 1, 2015.

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